Community Engagement for Developing Abilities & Readiness
I am leading.
CEDAR (Community Engagement to Develop Abilities and Readiness) Professional Internship program serves cohorts of 18-24 year olds living locally in the Lewiston-Auburn area or who have utilized Tree Street’s programming as youth. This is a part-time internship position offering the opportunity to learn the skills necessary to be successful in the workplace through working alongside staff at the center, mentoring youth, community engagement, administrative responsibility, and facilitated training.
“My favorite part of my time at Tree has been coming back as an intern after years as both a student AND StreetLeader! I was able to teach dance classes, which was the thing that brought me to Tree Street and being able to teach dance really brought it all full circle.”
– Rakeem Mickey-Sullivan, TSY Class of 2015
StreetLeader, CEDAR intern, and Summer Intern

Meet the Team

Roy Goodale
Program Director