Get to Know Our Programs
Tree Street’s programming is grounded in creating opportunities for Leadership, Learning, Exploration, and Growth for all youth ages 4-24 who attend the center. Programming takes place year-round and is “embedded” in our After School and Summer Programming Structures. We currently have 6 core programs. All programming is grounded in Tree Street’s Philosophical Principles and include:

Unique Social-Emotional Support

Academic and Future Aspirations Exploration

Leadership Cultivation Experiences

Restorative Advocacy and Service
BRANCHES College Prep
Becoming Responsible Adults ‘N Cultivating Higher Education Success

MAPLE Teen Leadership
Motivated Adolescents Pursuing Leadership Experiences
WILLOW Elementary Program
Wonderful Inspired Little Leaders Of the World

ELM Arts & Cultural Enrichment
Enrichment Lessons & Mentoring
REDWOOD Girls Empowerment
Resilient Educated Dedicated Women w/ Outstanding Ongoing Determination

SEQUOIA Boys Empowerment
Seeking Equality, Uniting Ourselves, Inspiring Action

CEDAR Professional Internships
Community Engagement to Develop Abilities and Readiness

BRANCHES College Prep
Becoming Responsible Adults ‘N Cultivating Higher Education Success
MAPLE Teen Leadership
Motivated Adolescents Pursuing Leadership Experiences
WILLOW Elementary Program
Wonderful Inspired Little Leaders Of the World
ELM Arts & Cultural Enrichment
Enrichment Lessons & Mentoring
REDWOOD Girls Empowerment
Resilient Educated Dedicated Women w/ Outstanding Ongoing Determination
SEQUOIA Boys Empowerment
Seeking Equality, Uniting Ourselves, Inspiring Action
CEDAR Professional Internships
Community Engagement to Develop Abilities and Readiness